Abandonment Email
This feature allows the facility to keep track of a user that for any reason did not complete the rental process, it helps to catch more tenants.
The email is sent to the prospective tenant Mariana: and to facility?
The email may not include all the possible tenant information (name, phone) because it depends on where the process was left. As long as the email address is captured the email will be sent with as much detail as has been input to the point of abandonment.
Mariana: When is an abandonment sent? To whom is it sent. How does the abandonment email differ between user and facility. What details do the facility get in best case scenario?
Internal Setup:
External setup:
Abandonment Coupon
The abandonment email can include a coupon that can be added per location to the email that can help to motivate the user to revisit the website and complete the process. This may take the form of eg: 'Limited time $1 movein special' which would only be available for those tenants who receive the email, encouraging them to return and rent. This discount will only be available on the website if the coupon code is entered and will not show as part of the regular discount choice selection.
It is important to note that only ONE PMS discount can be selected at a time, so the coupon code will override a discount previously selected by the user.
Internal Setup:
In order to make that coupon work correctly in ClickandStor, the facility must created a discount in their PMS that includes the word 'abandonment'. There is also a toggle in the dash. By default this is set to 'on' on facility creation.
Once the process is done, the coupon code will be inserted in the email and user can enter the coupon within 24 hours to get the discount (See attached)
External setup:
In order to make that coupon work correctly in ClickandStor, the facility must created a discount in their PMS that includes the word 'abandonment' eg 'abandonment $1 movein Special '.